Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Foot Surgery

I'm day six into my healing after surgery. My arms are sore, my shoulders hurt and I dread having to get up and use the crutches. Next Monday is viewed with dread. The long haul to the train and then the bus.

I didn't have a good time getting on or off the bus. The steep stairs and impatient people means that I could rebreak my foot since I don't have a cast. I asked a driver for assistance with the rear platform and he said he couldn't leave the steering wheel (bullshit) and after I got on the bus he informed me about the platform. Talk about retroactive covering the ass. The only thing that I will be thankful for with the express bus is that those busses are low platform and don't have stairs. Unfortunately, you stand for 20 minutes while a driver drinks coffee and bullshits with other drivers. The so called schedule is entirely at the whim of the drivers, who make up time by blowing through stale yellows and actually run reds.

The doctor's office x-rays revealed that my foot now has a curved bone in the foot. The bone was broken and re-oriented. Pins put in that look like wood screws and I have a much slimmer foot. I don't look forward to doing this next year. I might wait until the summer is over. I would like to have a summer to myself (a wedding and a funeral ate the past two summers).

Here is a view of the foot with the cripple shoe:


And here is a view of the stitches on Day 5:


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